Previous Companies |  FX  |  NFL Network  |  Spot Runner  |  FOX  |  Digital Artist Entertainment  

Education  |  Yale University

Connect  |  Linked In  | adam@structurepartners.com

Adam served as Chief Executive Officer of Digital Artists Entertainment (DA) where he oversaw the development and distribution of innovative and talent-driven original content for a global audience.

Adam spearheaded the launch of NFL Network, which was the fastest-ever to reach 40-million subscribers and granted him acknowledgment as one of TV Week’s “10 to Watch” as well as Sports Business Journal’s “40 Under 40.”

At Fox, Adam played a key role in launching and acquiring networks such as Fox Sports Net, and National Geographic, and led M&A deals involving the LA Dodgers, Liberty Holdings, and Cablevision.

While serving as the head of business and operations for FX, Shaw was instrumental in the transformation of FX into a leading basic cable network through its development of quality original programming.

A leading entrepreneur, Adam co-founded Spot Runner, an Internet-based advertising agency venture-backed in part by CBS, WPP, Index, and Battery Ventures.




Previous Companies |  AOL  |  YFB  |  Breakout Pictures  |  Lemonade Restaurant Group  

Education  |  Harvard University

Connect  |  Linked In  |  bradzions@gmail.com

Brad is a Los Angeles-based investor and entrepreneur.

Brad has deep domain expertise in digital media and the restaurant, apparel and entertainment industries. Brad has been an active angel investor for the past 16 years, both individually and as a member of HBS Angels. Recent investments include Jukin Media, Moviepass, bBooth, Parachute, TrustEgg and Venga.  Previous exits include QXL (now Tradus, which was acquired by Naspers in 2008) and Google via Ron Conway's Angel funds I and II.

Brad partnered with chef Alan Jackson in March 2009 to co-found Lemonade Restaurant Group. Serving as CFO until January 2011, Brad raised capital for the rapidly expanding fast casual concept and helped grow Lemonade to nine locations.

Brad is the founder of Breakout Pictures, a production company focusing on emerging talent. Brad produced the indie hit Kissing Jessica Stein, released by Fox Searchlight Pictures in 2002, Ira & Abby, which was released by Magnolia Pictures in September, 2007, and The Guitar, directed by Amy Redford, which premiered in the dramatic competition of the 2008 Sundance Film Festival.

Brad is also the co-founder of Young, Fabulous & Broke, a women’s contemporary clothing line. YFB sportswear is sold at upscale boutiques throughout the United States and Canada, as well as Neiman Marcus, Bloomingdales, Saks, Nordstrom and ShopBop.com.

Brad spent five years (1994-1999) at America Online, where as a director of AOL International, he was integral in the founding and development of AOL Europe, a 50/50 joint venture between Bertelsmann AG and America Online, Inc.